Looking for aggregates or top soil in Shrewsbury or Wem?

Please look below at our large selection of building aggregates. All can be delivered to your door using our bulk bag services.

aggregates Aggregates


Ideal For:

Building Sand

building a play pit

Concreting Sand

concreting patios

Sand and gravel

Concrete filler

MOT Stone / 40mm fill

Footings / Gateways


For building up areas - we advise to lay turf over the top after, not grass seed and also NOT suitable for vegetable growing


The quality of our topsoil may vary, as this is top soil and sub soil from our customer’s excavations. It is first put through a trommel screen to remove oversize material, then finely screened over a 8mm screen, before passing through a magnet, to ensure there is no metal content

10mm Pink

Borders / Pots

20mm Pink

Driveways / Borders

10mm grey

Borders / Pots

20mm Grey

Driveways / Borders

10mm Gold

Borders / Pots

20mm Gold

Driveways - Unusual, Gold gravel, Stands out

Cotswold Gravel

Driveways / Pots

Cotswold BuffDriveways - Unusual, almost white in colour
Monmouth GreenDriveways - Unusual, Green / Blue in colour
Salop BrownDriveways / Pots - Mixed size from 10mm to 20mm
Plum SlateBorders / Pots
Blue SlateBorders / Pots
Green SlateBorders / Pots

Deliveries can be arranged in quantities from 1 ton to 20 tons.